Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a condition linked to three principal symptoms:
- Inattention (Not being able to keep attention, getting easily distracted)
- Hyperactivity (Not being able to stay still)
- Impulsiveness (Acting without thinking it through)
ADHD is not simply bad behaviour. ADHD can be treated with behavioural and educational support, and in some children, with medications.
Although ADHD can occur on its own, it often occurs alongside a range of other difficulties including:
- Learning difficulties
- Sleep difficulties
- Tic disorders
- Coordination difficulties
- Social communication difficulties and Autism.
At BICP we make an evidence based assessment of ADHD alongside other potential causes for your child's difficulties, rather than looking at just ADHD alone.
Our Services:
Telephone Discussion
This is a telephone consultation with a doctor, usually lasting twenty minutes to discuss your concerns and help you decide on where to go from here.
We start all new assessments with a telephone discussion, after receiving your pre-assessment questionnaires.
At this appointment we aim to discuss your child's difficulties and work out the best way forward in terms of what assessment is required, before you commit to any particular assessment.
ADHD Assessment
Assessments for ADHD are held at Litfield House.
Prior to seeing your child we will send our online questionnaires to you and your child's school. Your child can also give us their perspective in writing before the meeting, if they want.
Assessments are completed by a Consultant and will include a medical and developmental history, review of supporting information from educational settings and physical examination.
We can also complete Continuous Performance Testing (CPT) to provide an objective measurements of attention.
A detailed written report and clinical recommendations are included with the assessment including discussion around potential medical treatment.
Medication in ADHD
The decision to start medication for a child with ADHD always has to be made jointly with a doctor, parents and the child or young person.
At BICP we are able to initiate and oversee medical treatment of ADHD as part of a child's care plan. This can be discussed as part of the child's assessment (we don't require a second appointment).
Once started on medication, repeat prescriptions and discussions regarding changes to medication dose can be arranged with BICP.
We can then request shared share with your GP once stabilised on medication, although we would recommend checking with your GP in advance that they are happy to participate in a shared care agreement
Once on a stable dose we will need to see your child 6 monthly for follow up appointments to provide oversight of the medication.